We4everyone offers wind energy from local wind gusts to businesses and private households with a wind sail power plant.
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Key Facts
- Founding date: October ’21
- Location: Berlin and Frankfurt, Germany

Part of Poly Crisis Program #1
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Our impact will be to extend the portfolio of renewable energy technologies. We address the significant challenge of increasing electricity costs as well as increasing energy demands due to emerging global crisis and decommissioning of conventional power plants and thus support businesses and private households to become more energy self-sufficient.
We4everyone offers local, year-round and scalable self-generated electricity from wind power. We have developed a wind sail power plant without rotating parts that uses a Spinnaker sail swinging in the wind. It no longer needs high-altitude winds to generate electricity but uses the power of wind gusts.
Website: we4everyone.de
Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/we4everyone-gmbh