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Volyn­s­ka Gaze­ta (ViL­Ni Project)

Tetiana Poudel, Olha Danyliuk

Pro­mot­ing free speech and shar­ing sto­ries of Ukraini­ans by trans­form­ing a tra­di­tion­al region­al news­pa­per “Volyn­s­ka Gaze­ta” into a mod­ern inde­pen­dent media out­let

Con­nect with the team

Tetiana Poudel

Co-founder & Man­ag­ing direc­tor at ViL­Ni Read more

Key Facts

  • Foun­da­tion date: 1995 (“Volyn­s­ka Gaze­ta” news­pa­per)​
  • Start of ViL­Ni project: 2022
  • Loca­tion: Lut­sk (Ukraine), Lon­don (UK)

Part of Ukraine Response Pro­gram #2

Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs)

SDG 16: “Pro­mote peace­ful and inclu­sive soci­eties for sus­tain­able devel­op­ment, pro­vide access to jus­tice for all and build effec­tive, account­able and inclu­sive insti­tu­tions at all lev­els”​


Cre­ate a blue print for the new kind of inde­pen­dent media in Ukraine that is com­mit­ted to democ­ra­cy, truth, free speech, rule of law and human rights​.


Inno­vate con­tent strat­e­gy in the spir­it “Humans of New York” for Ukraini­ans in and out­side of Ukraine that will bring human­i­ty into the top­ic of the war, high­light human sto­ries and break through pure statistics​.

Expand busi­ness mod­el from tra­di­tion­al sub­scrip­tions and ads income to a self-sus­tain­ing mul­ti-lay­ered approach that includes crowd­sourc­ing, mem­ber­ships, spon­sor­ship agree­ments, natives ads, etc.

Edu­cate and train the new gen­er­a­tion of inde­pen­dent and cre­ative writ­ers.

Kick-Off Event: Ukraine Response Pro­gram cohort #2