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Alex Biloshytsk, Valeriia Biloshytska, Alexandr Zubchenko & Nataliia Sereda

One-stop-shop plat­form for migrants who needs to be inte­grat­ed into a new soci­ety!

Every year 2M+ migrants are enter­ing EU states, 50% of them find it dif­fi­cult to inte­grate into a new com­mu­ni­ty. About 20–50% of migrants are chang­ing their loca­tion year­ly. Mil­lions of those peo­ple are dis­con­nect­ed from their homes and fam­i­lies, have sub­stan­tial decrease in men­tal and emo­tion­al well-being as well as lim­it­ed access to work, edu­ca­tion and health care. We real­ize that lone­li­ness and social iso­la­tion, espe­cial­ly among young peo­ple, can be one of the most impor­tant men­tal health fac­tors and lead to a sub­stan­tial decrease in emo­tion­al well-being.

Con­nect with the team

Alexan­dr Zubchenko

Mobile Appli­ca­tion Devel­op­er at Podiya (Vol­un­teer) Read more

Valeri­ia Biloshyt­s­ka

Lead Project Coor­di­na­tor at Podiya (Vol­un­teer) Read more

Alex Biloshyt­s­ki

Co-Founder at Podiya Read more

Key Facts

  • Loca­tion: Berlin, Ger­many

Part of Ukraine Response Pro­gram #1

Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs)


Our mis­sion is to reduce the social iso­la­tion and increase social con­nec­tion and inte­gra­tion.


At Podiya we are devel­op­ing a dig­i­tal plat­form where peo­ple can find, share and offer the infor­ma­tion about rel­e­vant to their need events — work train­ings, edu­ca­tion­al class­es, activ­i­ties for kids, lan­guage clubs, psy­cho­log­i­cal sup­port and so on. It does­n’t mat­ter whether you need to find peo­ple for your kayak­ing trip, inter-cul­tur­al camp­ing, edu­ca­tion­al class for kids or work train­ing for adults. Our mis­sion is to reduce the social iso­la­tion and increase social con­nec­tion and inte­gra­tion.


Final Event: Ukraine Response Pro­gram cohort #1