AgroSfer structure sustainable supply chain in african agriculture by leveraging a proprietary digital platform.
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Key Facts
- Founding date: April ’21
- Location: Benin, France

Part of Poly Crisis Program #1
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
AgroSfer tackles the issue of the very low revenue for the small-scale farmers in Africa. This is the symptom of a low performing value chain due to: Weak yields generated by using bad farming techniques on small lands drowned in chemicals which generate products which do not fit the quality and quantity criterias the best buyers have and a lack of transparency on the value chain between the farmers and the buyers from the food.
In our approach of supporting farmers to increase their livelihood, we emphasis the adoption of a sustainable farming approach. Even without targetting certifications (which business model remain not fitting in the reality in Africa), we train the farmers on agroecology and agroforestery, ease the access to natural seeds, fertilizers and herbicides and connect directly the farmers organisations (cooperatives) with end industrialists cutting the middle men and reducing the CO2 impact of the logistic.