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Our incu­ba­tor & accel­er­a­tor pro­gram: Poly­cri­sis #2 (Ukrai­ne Respon­se)

We are look­ing for inno­v­a­tive approach­es as one solu­tion to address the effects of the war against Ukraine. Russia’s attack on Ukrai­ne in Febru­a­ry 2022 and the acts of vio­lence have chan­ged the world. The vio­lence has upen­ded the lives of mil­li­ons of Ukraini­ans. There­fore the issu­es ran­ge from refu­gee cri­sis, recon­struc­tion, food inse­cu­ri­ty and ener­gy sup­ply to health and legal issu­es and among oth­ers. We are open to many top­ics as long as they crea­te impact.

Appli­ca­tion starts:01.02.2023
Appli­ca­tion ends:15.04.2023
Pro­gram start:05.06.2023
Pro­gram end:29.11.2023

Our par­tic­i­pants

Con­nect with par­tic­i­pants from Ukraine Response #2

Nataly Ulyano­va

Co-founder of Treep­ilya Read more

Daniel Donath

Co-founder of Ukrain­ian House Berlin Read more

Alex Kovbasko

Accel­er­a­tor Devel­op­er at Myko­laiv Water Hub Read more

Yuli­ia Malet­s­ka

Prod­uct Man­ag­er, Lets­Da­ta Read more

Petra H. Holthusen

Senior Project Man­ag­er, Be an Angel e.V. Read more

Lea Jacob­sen

Project Admin­is­tra­tor, Be an Angel e.V. Read more

Bog­dan Mif­takhov

Co-founder of Ukrain­ian House Berlin Read more

Tetiana Poudel

Co-founder & Man­ag­ing direc­tor at ViL­Ni Read more

Vik­to­ria Fialko

Co-founder of Treep­ilya Read more

Andriy Kusyy

CEO & Co-founder at Lets­Da­ta Read more

Kim Welti

Co-Founder of Re:build Ukraine Read more

Genya Moore

Co-founder of Re:Life Ukraine Read more

Anas­tasi­ia Aizen­sh­tat

Founder and CEO at CACR Read more

Hamed Beheshti

Co-Founder and CEO at Bore­al Light Read more

Anna She­p­e­lenko

Chief Out­reach Offi­cer at Bore­al Light Read more

Alex Kuvalli­ni

CEO at Hand­stree Read more

Han­na Slo­bodyanyuk-Mon­tavon

CEO at Myko­laiv Water Hub Read more

Meri Khaz­aradze

(she / her)
Co-Founder at mexb​.ai Read more

Kseni­ia Teslenko

(she / her)
Co-Founder at mexb​.ai Read more

Kse­nia Iliuk

COO & Co-Founder, Lets­Da­ta Read more

Our star­tups

These star­tups par­tic­i­pat­ed in our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram:

Re:Life Ukraine

Genya Moore, Myrosla­va Pereval­s­ka

Plat­form that builds the bridge between Ukrain­ian & inter­na­tion­al stu­dents and alum­ni to cre­ate ideas and find solu­tions for recon­struc­tion needs
Read more

Ukrain­ian House Berlin

Bog­dan Mif­takhov, Daniel Donath

Fos­ter­ing inter­cul­tur­al dia­logue and col­lab­o­ra­tion by pro­vid­ing a space for Ukraini­ans and Ger­mans to engage and inter­act
Read more

Volyn­s­ka Gaze­ta (ViL­Ni Project)

Tetiana Poudel, Olha Danyliuk

Pro­mot­ing free speech and shar­ing sto­ries of Ukraini­ans by trans­form­ing a tra­di­tion­al news­pa­per into an inde­pen­dent dig­i­tal media plat­form
Read more

Cen­tre for Alter­na­tive Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion

Anas­tasi­ia Aizen­sh­tat, Maksym Zinchenko

Har­ness­ing the poten­tial of AI/ML to dri­ve for­ward effec­tive and long-last­ing solu­tions to glob­al con­flicts
Read more


Vik­to­ria Fialko, Natalya Ulyano­va, Tatyana Ulyano­va

Restor­ing, build­ing-up and improv­ing Ukrain­ian forests to sus­tain a healthy envi­ron­ment and accel­er­ate the net-zero future
Read more

Bore­al Light

Dr Hamed Beheshti, Ali Al-Hakim

Installing short-term (off-grid) solar-hybrid water treat­ment sys­tems to solve the prob­lem with drink­ing water in Myko­laiv
Read more


Andriy Kusyy

Devel­op­ing an ear­ly-warn­ing AI sys­tem to help orga­ni­za­tions under­stand and respond to the spread of dis­in­for­ma­tion and ill-intend­ed infor­ma­tion cam­paigns
Read more

Re:Build Ukraine — Men­tor & Pro­tegee Pro­gram

Kim Welti, Lea Jacob­sen, Petra Holthusen

Equip­ping Ukrain­ian moth­ers with tai­lored skills and guid­ance to devel­op entre­pre­neur­ial ideas and busi­ness con­cepts
Read more


Alex Kuvalli­ni

Hand­stree builts an online-com­mu­ni­ty to unite phil­an­thropists and grow social projects in Ukraine with focus on long-term sup­port and fraud pro­tec­tion.
Read more

Myko­laiv Water Hub

Han­na Slo­bodyanyuk-Mon­tavon

Myko­layiv Water Hub builds an Incu­ba­tor for inno­v­a­tive star­tups in all water relat­ed indus­tries and a Think tank for water-relat­ed research.
Read more


Kseni­ia Teslenko & Meri Khaz­aradze

mexb​.ai is devel­op­ing a con­ver­sa­tion­al AI chat­bot for ini­tial men­tal health sup­port and to bridge time until pro­fes­sion­al treat­ments start.
Read more

Our star­tups

These star­tups par­tic­i­pat­ed in our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram:

Re:Life Ukraine

Genya Moore, Myrosla­va Pereval­s­ka

Plat­form that builds the bridge between Ukrain­ian & inter­na­tion­al stu­dents and alum­ni to cre­ate ideas and find solu­tions for recon­struc­tion needs
Read more

Ukrain­ian House Berlin

Bog­dan Mif­takhov, Daniel Donath

Fos­ter­ing inter­cul­tur­al dia­logue and col­lab­o­ra­tion by pro­vid­ing a space for Ukraini­ans and Ger­mans to engage and inter­act
Read more

Volyn­s­ka Gaze­ta (ViL­Ni Project)

Tetiana Poudel, Olha Danyliuk

Pro­mot­ing free speech and shar­ing sto­ries of Ukraini­ans by trans­form­ing a tra­di­tion­al news­pa­per into an inde­pen­dent dig­i­tal media plat­form
Read more

Cen­tre for Alter­na­tive Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion

Anas­tasi­ia Aizen­sh­tat, Maksym Zinchenko

Har­ness­ing the poten­tial of AI/ML to dri­ve for­ward effec­tive and long-last­ing solu­tions to glob­al con­flicts
Read more


Vik­to­ria Fialko, Natalya Ulyano­va, Tatyana Ulyano­va

Restor­ing, build­ing-up and improv­ing Ukrain­ian forests to sus­tain a healthy envi­ron­ment and accel­er­ate the net-zero future
Read more

Bore­al Light

Dr Hamed Beheshti, Ali Al-Hakim

Installing short-term (off-grid) solar-hybrid water treat­ment sys­tems to solve the prob­lem with drink­ing water in Myko­laiv
Read more


Andriy Kusyy

Devel­op­ing an ear­ly-warn­ing AI sys­tem to help orga­ni­za­tions under­stand and respond to the spread of dis­in­for­ma­tion and ill-intend­ed infor­ma­tion cam­paigns
Read more

Re:Build Ukraine — Men­tor & Pro­tegee Pro­gram

Kim Welti, Lea Jacob­sen, Petra Holthusen

Equip­ping Ukrain­ian moth­ers with tai­lored skills and guid­ance to devel­op entre­pre­neur­ial ideas and busi­ness con­cepts
Read more


Alex Kuvalli­ni

Hand­stree builts an online-com­mu­ni­ty to unite phil­an­thropists and grow social projects in Ukraine with focus on long-term sup­port and fraud pro­tec­tion.
Read more

Myko­laiv Water Hub

Han­na Slo­bodyanyuk-Mon­tavon

Myko­layiv Water Hub builds an Incu­ba­tor for inno­v­a­tive star­tups in all water relat­ed indus­tries and a Think tank for water-relat­ed research.
Read more


Kseni­ia Teslenko & Meri Khaz­aradze

mexb​.ai is devel­op­ing a con­ver­sa­tion­al AI chat­bot for ini­tial men­tal health sup­port and to bridge time until pro­fes­sion­al treat­ments start.
Read more


Our men­tors and experts

Here you can con­nect with men­tors from our Ukrai­ne Respon­se Pro­gram #2

Pieter van Mid­woud

Chief Tree Plant­i­ng Offi­cer, Ecosia Read more

Sebas­t­ian Schramm

Ven­ture Archi­tect at Enpulse Ven­tures GmbH Read more

Sébas­tien Mar­tin

Founder and Man­ag­ing Part­ner at Impact Asso­ciates Read more

Natali­ia Fiebrig

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at WeAid, For­eign Cor­re­spon­dant at Stu­dio 1+1 Read more

Tobias Ahrens

Head of Start­up Hub at Com­merzbank AG Read more

Maike Strif­fler

Co-Founder & Social Enter­prise Lead at Social Inno­va­tion Acad­e­my Glob­al Read more

Igor Elbert

Prin­ci­pal at Com­mon Sen­sor Read more

André Nikol­s­ki

Strate­gic Projects at Hum­boldt-Inno­va­tion, Start­up Coach & Start­up Con­sul­tant Read more

Lau­ra Kohler

Start­up Ecosys­tem & Cor­po­rate Inno­va­tion expert Read more

Dr. Thomas Gne­fkow

Busi­ness angel, founder and pri­vate lec­tur­er Read more

Car­olin Kröger

Co-founder at beingfe​male​.de and con­sul­tant Read more

Nora Azza­oui

Part­ner at Kobold I Pur­pose Design & Inno­va­tion and co-founder of mimy­cri Read more

Col­lec­tive Impact Sum­mit: Novem­ber 2023

Meet our start­up teams from poly­cri­sis batch #2 and the new batch #3 and learn about their impact ideas.

Down­load Pitchdecks


Kick-Off: Ukraine Response Pro­gram cohort #2