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PHINEO Star­tups in the media


  • brand eins-Son­der­heft ​„Die bes­ten Unter­neh­mens­be­ra­ter”: Aus­führ­li­ches Por­trät über PHI­NEO, ​„Robin Hood lebt!” (18.03.2024)


  • techcrunch​.com: Build­ing dig­i­tal infra­struc­ture for devel­op­ing coun­tries with Nas­rat Khalid from Aseel (07.11.2023)
  • pv​-mag​a​zine​.de: Bore­al Light instal­liert Pho­to­voltaik-gestützte Entsalzungsan­lage in der Ukraine (27.10.2023)
  • moz​.de: Inno­va­tion Segelkraftan­lage – wie aus Wind­böen Strom erzeugt wird (28.07.2023)
  • berlin​.de: Wirtschaftsse­n­a­torin Gif­fey würdigt migrantis­che Unternehmen (28.06.2023)
  • mwae​.bran​den​burg​.de: Bran­den­burg­er Inno­va­tion­spreis 2023  Preisträgerin­nen und Preisträger überzeu­gen mit großar­ti­gen Ideen (26.06.2023)
  • Tagesspiegel: Spen­den, Coa­chings, Men­to­rin: Wie ein Ber­li­ner Unter­neh­men ukrai­ni­sche Start-ups unter­stützt (27.02.203)


About PHINEO Starups

Our Mis­sion: Empow­er­ing impact star­tups in cre­at­ing col­lec­tive impact for the poly­cri­sis. PHINEO Star­tups has been found­ed by PHINEO gAG, a lead­ing non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion based in Berlin, Ger­many, spe­cial­ized in social and eco­log­i­cal impact mea­sure­ment. In August 2022, our new busi­ness unit for impact star­tups was estab­lished. Since then, a team of 9 peo­ple has been offer­ing our two ser­vices: The 6‑month Accel­er­a­tor Pro­gramm and the Impact Col­lec­tives.

We are a diverse and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team of impact-ori­ent­ed pro­fes­sion­als with many years of start­up expe­ri­ence. We are well con­nect­ed in the impact com­mu­ni­ty. Let’s con­nect!

Canelle Men­gual

Senior Pro­gram Man­ag­er Read more

Michelle Rudolph

Pro­gram Man­ag­er Read more

Jacob Künz­er

Pro­gram sup­port Read more

Net­sai Ndaza

Pro­gramm Man­ag­er Read more

Lisa Götz

Pro­gram Sup­port Read more
Jonas Wegener

Jonas Wegen­er

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Strate­gist at PHINEO Star­tups Read more

Sebas­t­ian Neu­mann

Head of Phi­neo Star­tups Read more

Fran­ka Ismer

Senior Pro­gram Man­ag­er Read more

Viviana Köhrbrück

Pro­gram Man­ag­er Read more

Our Impact

Impact of our Impact Star­tups

Founder Sto­ries


For any media inquiries, please con­tact: jonas.​wegener@​phineo.​org

Jonas Wegener

Jonas Wegen­er

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Strate­gist at PHINEO Star­tups Read more

Our Newslet­ter

Sub­scribe to our newslet­ter for exclu­sive updates on our impact col­lec­tives, fea­tur­ing the lat­est news, events, and inspir­ing sto­ries of change.

Media kit for part­ners

Text blocks for
Impact Col­lec­tive mem­ber­ships

Resilient Forests:
We are excit­ed to join the PHINEO Star­tups Impact Col­lec­tive on Resilient Forests. Togeth­er with star­tups, NGOs, cor­po­rates, research insti­tu­tions and state actors we will bring change to forests around the world, increase bio­di­ver­si­ty, and cre­ate a strong and resilient ecosys­tem.

Respon­si­ble Finance:
We are excit­ed to join the PHINEO Star­tups Impact Col­lec­tive on Respon­si­ble Finance. Togeth­er with star­tups, NGOs, cor­po­rates, research insti­tu­tions and state actors we will increase sus­tain­able prac­tictes and jus­tice in the finance sec­tor.

Sus­tain­able Mate­ri­als:
We are excit­ed to join the PHINEO Star­tups Impact Col­lec­tive on Sus­tain­able Mate­ri­als. Togeth­er with star­tups, NGOs, cor­po­rates, research insti­tu­tions and state actors we will push cir­cu­lar econ­o­my for­ward and accel­er­ate the adop­tion of sus­tain­able prac­tices to trans­form the way the world con­sumes and man­ages its resources.

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PHOTOS: Col­lec­tive Impact Sum­mit May 2024

PHOTOS: Col­lec­tive Impact Sum­mit Novem­ber 2023

PHOTOS: Col­lec­tive Impact Sum­mit May 2023