
Our impact startup Esper Bionics, is included in TIME magazine’s list of the best inventions of 2022. The self-learning prosthetic hand powered by artificial intelligence (AI) was named a groundbreaking invention in the accessibility category and appeared on the magazine’s cover.
PHINEO Startups in the media

- brand eins-Sonderheft „Die besten Unternehmensberater”: Ausführliches Porträt über PHINEO, „Robin Hood lebt!” (18.03.2024)

- Building digital infrastructure for developing countries with Nasrat Khalid from Aseel (07.11.2023)
- Boreal Light installiert Photovoltaik-gestützte Entsalzungsanlage in der Ukraine (27.10.2023)
- Innovation Segelkraftanlage – wie aus Windböen Strom erzeugt wird (28.07.2023)
- Wirtschaftssenatorin Giffey würdigt migrantische Unternehmen (28.06.2023)
- Brandenburger Innovationspreis 2023 Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger überzeugen mit großartigen Ideen (26.06.2023)
- Tagesspiegel: Spenden, Coachings, Mentorin: Wie ein Berliner Unternehmen ukrainische Start-ups unterstützt (27.02.203)

- the best inventions of 2022 (November 2022)
About PHINEO Starups
Our Mission: Empowering impact startups in creating collective impact for the polycrisis. PHINEO Startups has been founded by PHINEO gAG, a leading nonprofit organization based in Berlin, Germany, specialized in social and ecological impact measurement. In August 2022, our new business unit for impact startups was established. Since then, a team of 9 people has been offering our two services: The 6‑month Accelerator Programm and the Impact Collectives.
We are a diverse and interdisciplinary team of impact-oriented professionals with many years of startup experience. We are well connected in the impact community. Let’s connect!
Our Impact
have an impact orientated business model43 impact startups
in our accelerator program3559008
people have been impacted by startups from our accelerator programmImpact of our Impact Startups
50 events
in Berlin to help citizens apply for funding for a balcony power plant.2500000+ people
every day77000 families
with food packagesFounder Stories
Media kit for partners
Text blocks for
Impact Collective memberships
Resilient Forests:
We are excited to join the PHINEO Startups Impact Collective on Resilient Forests. Together with startups, NGOs, corporates, research institutions and state actors we will bring change to forests around the world, increase biodiversity, and create a strong and resilient ecosystem.
Responsible Finance:
We are excited to join the PHINEO Startups Impact Collective on Responsible Finance. Together with startups, NGOs, corporates, research institutions and state actors we will increase sustainable practictes and justice in the finance sector.
Sustainable Materials:
We are excited to join the PHINEO Startups Impact Collective on Sustainable Materials. Together with startups, NGOs, corporates, research institutions and state actors we will push circular economy forward and accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices to transform the way the world consumes and manages its resources.
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PHOTOS: Collective Impact Summit May 2024

PHOTOS: Collective Impact Summit November 2023

PHOTOS: Collective Impact Summit May 2023