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Robert Hite

Robert is an accom­plished inter­na­tion­al mar­ket­ing leader who is fer­vent­ly com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al busi­ness out­comes through impact­ful prod­uct com­mu­ni­ca­tion, seam­less­ly aligned with a uni­fied vision, with­in the dynam­ic realms of the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and med­ical device sec­tors. His dis­tin­guished track record of har­ness­ing inno­va­tion and nur­tur­ing teams has been instru­men­tal in orches­trat­ing remark­able busi­ness trans­for­ma­tions … Con­tin­ued

Matthias Oetken

Matthias Oetken is a Exec­u­tive Con­sul­tant with a wealth of expe­ri­ence in the finance indus­try. He is wide­ly rec­og­nized for his role as the for­mer Man­ag­ing Direc­tor (CFO/CRO) of N26 Bank, where he played a cru­cial role in shap­ing the finan­cial strate­gies and oper­a­tions of the orga­ni­za­tion. With a strong back­ground in account­ing and finance, … Con­tin­ued

Jas­mine Borhan

Jas­mine is the founder of Jas­mine Borhan Strate­gic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Strate­gic con­sult­ing for com­­mu-nica­­tion, rep­u­ta­tion build­ing, and posi­tion­ing are her sec­ond nature. She is also well expe­ri­enced in exec­u­tive coach­ing for per­son­al devel­op­ment and for lead­er­ship top­ics in busi­ness, in crises, and in change. She wants to accom­pa­ny founders and exec­u­tives as a men­tor and coach … Con­tin­ued

Asal Rus­ta­mo­va

“I believe col­lab­o­ra­tion is a sig­nif­i­cant dri­ver for sub­stan­tial social and envi­ron­men­tal impact. PHINEO has an inspir­ing approach to empow­er start-ups focused on tack­ling crises. It is my plea­sure to share my expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge in part­n­er­­ship-build­ing and project man­age­ment that will help the start-up teams to achieve syn­er­gies through engage­ment with rel­e­vant stake­hold­ers and … Con­tin­ued

Sascha Erben

“I firm­ly believe in the pow­er of change and the neces­si­ty of com­bin­ing eco­nom­ic and social action, and I also imple­ment this in my com­pa­nies. This entre­pre­neur­ial approach to impact also con­vinces me about Phi­neo and I am hap­py to accom­pa­ny and sup­port peo­ple in devel­op­ing impor­tant solu­tions for our world through eco­nom­ic action.”

Christoph Rohde

Christoph is a Trans­ac­tion Man­ag­er at FASE (Financ­ing Agency for Social Entre­pre­neur­ship). FASE sup­ports impact star­tups in rais­ing growth cap­i­tal from impact investors and is the co-ini­­ti­a­­tor of the Euro­pean Social Inno­va­tion and Impact Fund (ESIIF). Pri­or to join­ing FASE, Christoph built and ran an accel­er­a­tor pro­gramme for impact star­tups from emerg­ing mar­kets.

Christa Coc­ci­ole

Christa is a Berlin-based Body Ori­ent­ed Sys­tems Ther­a­pist and Con­sul­tant for Embod­ied Lead­er­ship. She weaves her back­ground as a dancer, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, and social activist com­bined with her spir­i­tu­al prac­tice, into an approach she has coined “Rad­i­cal Pres­ence: mov­ing with play­ful com­pas­sion”. With her work she sup­ports Organ­i­sa­tions and Com­mu­ni­ties in order to strength­en resilience and … Con­tin­ued

Katrin Häuser

Katrin Häuser is CEO and co-founder of The­Green­Spring, a bou­tique con­sul­tan­cy that com­bines busi­ness & sus­tain­abil­i­ty exper­tise with a hands-on approach to guide its clients towards a sus­tain­able (cor­po­rate) future. At The­Green­Spring, Katrin pro­vides sus­tain­abil­i­ty guid­ance to organ­i­sa­tions by work­ing with her clients to shape ideas into sus­tain­able busi­ness mod­els, devel­op sus­tain­abil­i­ty strate­gies and guide … Con­tin­ued

Olek­san­dr Snidalov

Olek­san­dr Snidalov is a pas­sion­ate leader with a glob­al track record in infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy and tele­com indus­tries. Young exec­u­tive that have spent over 10 years in tech­nol­o­gy con­sul­tan­cy in the US, Nether­lands and Ger­many run­ning teams, pro­grams and doing man­age­ment con­sul­tan­cy for sys­tem inte­gra­tors, prod­uct ven­dors and tele­com oper­a­tors. In 2019 he returned to Ukraine … Con­tin­ued

Fabi­an Hoehne

Fabi­an is entre­pre­neur, impact investor, and founder of Vito­lus, Clever Ack­ern & Fly​la​.com. He is excit­ed to become a men­tor at PHINEO Star­tups and fuel oth­er star­tups’ mis­sions with advice and hon­est feed­back. He is thrilled to see their impact in social, envi­ron­men­tal or cli­mate chal­lenges sky­rock­et­ing