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Cielo Sanabria

I seek to dri­ve pos­i­tive change and tack­le issues that threat­en our plan­et. Con­sump­tion for appar­el is grow­ing expo­nen­tial­ly, and I’d like to be at the fore­front of inno­va­tion and change for the fash­ion indus­try. As a Senior LCA Expert and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Ana­lyst, I help com­pa­nies have more insights into the car­bon foot­prints imbed­ded in … Con­tin­ued

Natalia Mejia Par­do

Polit­i­cal Sci­en­tist and Master´s of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy grad­u­ate with +7 years of expe­ri­ence in the pub­lic sec­tor, non- gov­er­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions, and start­up envi­ron­ments. Inter­est­ed in quan­ti­ta­tive method­olo­gies for data-dri­ven pol­i­cy advis­ing. Skilled in pol­i­cy research, project man­age­ment, lead­er­ship, and com­mu­ni­ca­tions and out­reach.

Ulrich Kat­ter­bach

GPT As an Inno­va­tion Strate­gist and Ven­ture Builder, I bring a wealth of expe­ri­ence in cre­at­ing and nur­tur­ing impact­ful ideas into viable busi­ness ven­tures. My exper­tise lies in cor­po­rate inno­va­tion, where I’ve led teams through idea val­i­da­tion, MVP devel­op­ment, and the appli­ca­tion of Design Think­ing prin­ci­ples to solve com­plex chal­lenges. My jour­ney includes found­ing Zap­p­choice … Con­tin­ued

Olga Almqvist

Olga leads the Soci­etal Impact Financ­ing Ini­tia­tive (Sci­Fi) at ESMT busi­ness school in Berlin. In this role, she pro­motes approach­es to finance a sus­tain­able and inclu­sive soci­ety through cross-sec­­tor col­lab­o­ra­tion. This includes con­ven­ing high-lev­­el con­fer­ences on phil­an­thropy, cli­mate finance and pub­lic pri­vate part­ner­ships. Olga also devel­ops teach­ing mate­ri­als on sus­tain­able finance and impact invest­ing. She … Con­tin­ued

Kirsten Nie­mann

I am an online mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­al with a focus on per­for­mance mar­ket­ing for non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions. My spe­cial­ty are Google Ads (Grants accounts and paid accounts) and Meta Ads/Meta Lead Ads. About me: I worked for Google for 11 years (2003–2014) and am self-employed since 2016. My pro­fes­sion­al focus on social enter­pris­es and non prof­it orga­ni­za­tions … Con­tin­ued

Lars Ofter­dinger

I’m an open-mind­ed tech and dig­i­tal comms enthu­si­ast with 11+ years of pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence on agency side (e.g. elbkind, Fak­tor 3) on for cor­po­rates (e.g. Google, smart) who is always eager to grow and evolve, with a strong track record of opti­mis­ing process­es.

Idan Tobias

I’ve been sup­port­ing orgni­sa­tions and start­up in scal­ing their busi­ness, devel­op thi­er orgni­sa­tions and lead­er­ship for the past 12 years, I am an Indu­sti­ral Engi­neer by Edu­ca­tion and built and man­agmened large teams. I can sup­port in devel­op­ing orgni­sa­tions, devel­op­ing cul­ture and prac­tices that sup­port you in reach­ing prod­uct mar­ket fit and get your orgni­sa­tion … Con­tin­ued

Ale­na Hilbig

Through­out the past years, I have worked with 20+ Euro­pean star­tups and their found­ing teams dur­ing var­i­ous growth phas­es. I devel­oped a deep under­stand­ing of the chal­lenges and suc­cess fac­tors of scal­ing com­pa­nies from pre-seed to lat­er stages. I have been respon­si­ble for oper­a­tional func­tions, strate­gi­cal or cross-func­­tion­al projects in var­i­ous roles such as as … Con­tin­ued

Torsten Mueller

I have men­tored offi­cial­ly as coach at Zep­pelin Uni­ver­si­ty and as part of BCG’s business@school pro­gramme. I have a mini VC and have done due dil­li­gence on a three dig­it num­ber of start-ups. Was speak­er and mod­er­a­tor at many events and had the hon­our to be part of the start-up jury of the land Hes­sen.

Lukas Marzi

User Lukas is an expert in net­work­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion issues and a social entre­pre­neur. As the CEO of the inter­na­tion­al social enter­prise On Pur­pose and the founder of the com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­sul­tan­cy Marzi­plan, he has an exten­sive net­work of sus­tain­able com­pa­nies and experts, which he brings togeth­er in his var­i­ous roles — as an event orga­niz­er, … Con­tin­ued