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Alexan­der Fahie

Alexan­der Fahie is a semi-good entre­pre­neur, con­sul­tant and a very-aver­age author. Fahie is how­ev­er obsessed with solv­ing prob­lems and build­ing things. After study­ing at New­cas­tle Uni­ver­si­ty, Fahie entered invest­ment man­age­ment in 2011. He was recog­nised as a ‘top 30 under 30’ in 2016. In 2018, he found­ed Eth­i­cal Angel, a com­pa­ny tasked with turn­ing the … Con­tin­ued

Mark Young

Inter­na­tion­al­ly engaged coach and train­er in nego­ti­a­tion, lead­er­ship and sto­ry­telling skills.

Ola­do­su Adenike

Ola­do­su Adenike is the founder of I Lead Cli­mate Action Ini­tia­tive from Nige­ria. Adenike is a lead­ing cli­mate jus­tice leader and pio­neer­ing ecofem­i­nism in Africa. Cur­rent­ly award­ed an Inter­na­tion­al Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion Fel­low by Alexan­der von Hum­boldt. She has been a Niger­ian youth del­e­gate to the Unit­ed Nations Con­fer­ence of Par­ties (COP) at COP25 in Spain … Con­tin­ued

Annelie Graf

Annelie is a Senior Inno­va­tion & Busi­ness Strat­e­gy Con­sul­tant at diff­fer­ent. She has exper­tise in human and plan­et-cen­tred design, design think­ing, busi­ness exper­i­men­ta­tion and co-cre­a­tive process­es. She has broad expe­ri­ence work­ing with social busi­ness­es on the African con­ti­nent and is pas­sion­ate about rethink­ing the way we do busi­ness. She is excit­ed about work­ing with star­tups … Con­tin­ued

Mar­tin Quach

I stand for peo­ple get­ting how great they are. I stand for human beings with nature thriv­ing on our plan­et we call home.” I am Cli­mate Impact Advi­sor with Ter­rafor­ma­tion where I work with investors and cor­po­ra­tions tak­ing plan­e­tary lead­er­ship. I am an entre­pre­neur and I co-found­ed four tech­nol­o­gy star­tups. I was nom­i­nat­ed lead men­tor … Con­tin­ued

Abdul Khaleq Al-Qasai­ly

Abdul Khaleq Al-Qasai­­ly brings over 21 years of entre­pre­neur­ship , lead­er­ship , project man­age­ment and busi­ness strat­e­gy expe­ri­ence, lead­ing many com­pa­nies in five con­ti­nents. Abdul Khaleq is a Ser­i­al entre­pre­neur and con­sul­tant who works across mul­ti­ple fields in devel­op­ing entre­pre­neur­ship, dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion , busi­ness growth and inno­va­tion. He is the founder of QR Inter­na­tion­al LTD … Con­tin­ued

Alice Hohen­lo­he

Alice Hohen­lo­he is an Impact Man­ag­er at Trill Impact, a pio­neer­ing Impact House with around EUR 1,3 bil­lion in assets under advi­so­ry man­age­ment across Impact Pri­vate Equi­ty, Impact Ven­tures and Micro­fi­nance strate­gies. Ded­i­cat­ed to the Pri­vate Equi­ty strat­e­gy she is respon­si­ble for the inte­gra­tion of Impact & ESG through­out the invest­ment cycle, i.e. invest­ment deci­sion … Con­tin­ued

Flo­ri­an Foder­mey­er

My name is Flo­ri­an and I have been pri­mar­i­ly work­ing as a prod­uct man­ag­er for the last 15 years in a broad range of com­pa­nies and roles. Start­ing with mar­ket­places and E‑commerce I also worked for B2B Saas star­tups and also lead a mobile agency as a man­ag­ing direc­tor for a few years. My focus … Con­tin­ued

Lucas von Fürsten­berg

I run the nat­u­ral­ly man­aged fam­i­ly forestry busi­ness as well as a medi­um-sized real estate port­fo­lio. Before that, I worked in start-ups in Berlin for sev­er­al years and also found­ed one, where I was main­ly respon­si­ble for per­for­mance mar­ket­ing. Through this com­bi­na­tion, I have start­ed invest­ing since 2018, espe­cial­ly in the above-men­­tioned areas as a … Con­tin­ued