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Alexan­der Kahlmann

Born in Mex­i­co, raised in var­i­ous coun­tries, Abitur and MBA in Mannheim, since 2004 active as man­age­ment con­sul­tant. Found­ed 4 star­tups since then, includ­ing cur­rent ven­ture I´M℗ACTING. I live and work in Ham­burg, my two kids (8 & 12) are the main moti­va­tion to build an Impact-Start­up with my co-founder Marie.

Vin­cent Momanyi

Vin­cent Momanyi, with his back­ground in poly­mer tech­nol­o­gy and ana­lyt­i­cal chem­istry, spear­heads our inno­va­tion in bio-based mate­ri­als.

Noreen Mwan­cha

Noreen has always been a lover of fash­ion and sus­tain­abil­i­ty, two things that have often not gone hand in hand. In col­lege, she start­ed and ran a small busi­ness that pri­mar­i­ly focused on advo­cat­ing for sus­tain­able slow fash­ion and she did this by sell­ing pre-loved clothes online to her fel­low stu­dents at Keny­at­ta Uni­ver­si­ty. With … Con­tin­ued

Charles Oyamo

I am a vil­lage boy born and bred. I grew up in a small farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty and the only rea­son why none of us nev­er want­ed to be a farmer was because farm­ers were sim­ply some of the poor­est peo­ple in any vil­lage you’d go to. When I got the oppor­tu­ni­ty to join col­lege in … Con­tin­ued

Abby Mbuthi

Abby’s strengths lie in prod­uct design. She brings sub­tle cre­ativ­i­ty to build­ing a strong brand by cre­at­ing ele­gant prod­uct fea­tures. Cou­pled with her aggres­sive­ness and obses­sion with being dri­ven by results/performances, her skills induce a vibrant spir­it with­in the team for faster exe­cu­tion and a fast movers advan­tage.

Marie-Kristin Wysk

My back­ground is in busi­ness devel­op­ment, mar­ket­ing, strat­e­gy and project man­age­ment. Dur­ing my stud­ies as well as my 4,5 years in con­sul­tan­cy and Ven­ture Cap­i­tal, I learned how to struc­ture com­plex prob­lems, define and val­i­date hypoth­e­sis and work on solv­ing those prob­lems using ana­lyt­i­cal, con­cep­tu­al and strate­gic meth­ods. With­in my con­sul­tan­cy and VC projects I … Con­tin­ued

Emmanuel Oko­r­woit

I have a diverse back­ground encom­pass­ing Cli­mate Research, Busi­ness Devel­op­ment, and Soft­ware Devel­op­ment, which unique­ly posi­tions me to con­tribute to solv­ing the prob­lem Treety address­es. At Treety, I use my exper­tise in busi­ness devel­op­ment to fos­ter sus­tain­able growth and cre­ate a viable busi­ness mod­el that effec­tive­ly tack­les the cli­mate cri­sis. My expe­ri­ence as a Cli­mate … Con­tin­ued

Ulrich Kat­ter­bach

GPT As an Inno­va­tion Strate­gist and Ven­ture Builder, I bring a wealth of expe­ri­ence in cre­at­ing and nur­tur­ing impact­ful ideas into viable busi­ness ven­tures. My exper­tise lies in cor­po­rate inno­va­tion, where I’ve led teams through idea val­i­da­tion, MVP devel­op­ment, and the appli­ca­tion of Design Think­ing prin­ci­ples to solve com­plex chal­lenges. My jour­ney includes found­ing Zap­p­choice … Con­tin­ued

Olga Almqvist

Olga leads the Soci­etal Impact Financ­ing Ini­tia­tive (Sci­Fi) at ESMT busi­ness school in Berlin. In this role, she pro­motes approach­es to finance a sus­tain­able and inclu­sive soci­ety through cross-sec­­tor col­lab­o­ra­tion. This includes con­ven­ing high-lev­­el con­fer­ences on phil­an­thropy, cli­mate finance and pub­lic pri­vate part­ner­ships. Olga also devel­ops teach­ing mate­ri­als on sus­tain­able finance and impact invest­ing. She … Con­tin­ued

Kirsten Nie­mann

I am an online mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­al with a focus on per­for­mance mar­ket­ing for non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions. My spe­cial­ty are Google Ads (Grants accounts and paid accounts) and Meta Ads/Meta Lead Ads. About me: I worked for Google for 11 years (2003–2014) and am self-employed since 2016. My pro­fes­sion­al focus on social enter­pris­es and non prof­it orga­ni­za­tions … Con­tin­ued