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Ivan Kychatyi

Ivan is a dri­ven founder with exten­sive prod­uct, go-to-mar­ket, and hands-on tech expe­ri­ence in AI, Data, and Behav­iour­al Sci­ence. All his ven­tures were focused on peo­ple and how can we use AI and Sci­ence to form great teams and help them per­form bet­ter. His jour­ney includes Invest­ment Bank­ing, Deloit­te’s M&A con­sult­ing, hands-on AI devel­op­ment for … Con­tin­ued

Jonas Wegen­er

Jonas co-found­ed the dig­i­tal agency elbududler. He has been work­ing for over 13 years as CEO of var­i­ous com­pa­nies in the dig­i­tal indus­try and was involved in more than 200 dig­i­tal projects: from online stores to mobile apps. But above all, social media!He is shar­ing this expe­ri­ence as a lec­tur­er at the Good School in … Con­tin­ued