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Genya Moore

Genya Moore is co-founder of Re:Life Ukraine (Strat­e­gy and Busi­ness Devel­op­ment). She grad­u­at­ed as an Archi­tect, but switched to mar­ket­ing 25 years ago and have built an inter­na­tion­al career in mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion as spe­cial­ist in Inter­na­tion­al Adver­tis­ing net­works, such as McCann Erick­son, Ogilvy, Leo Bar­net. Her main exper­tise is with­in Strate­gic Plan­ning and Brand­ing, con­sult­ing … Con­tin­ued

Anas­tasi­ia Aizen­sh­tat

Founder and CEO. An expe­ri­enced ana­lyst in the inter­na­tion­al affairs field with a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of mul­ti-faceted chal­lenges in con­flict and post-con­flict set­tings. Demon­strat­ed his­to­ry of mon­i­tor­ing, research and analy­sis in com­plex polit­i­cal envi­ron­ments. Post­grad­u­ate research in inno­v­a­tive man­age­ment approach­es to the non­prof­it sec­tor. Con­cep­tu­al­i­sa­tion of the Tri­par­tite Man­age­ment Mod­el.

Hamed Beheshti

Dr. Hamed Beheshti is the Co-Founder and CEO of Bore­al Light GmbH. He ded­i­cat­ed his exper­tise on renew­ables to elim­i­nate the hard­ships of life in unpriv­i­leged com­mu­ni­ties. Hamed is look­ing for oppor­tu­ni­ties to turn the lux­u­ry face of renew­able ener­gy indus­tries into the prac­ti­cal solu­tions for neces­si­ties.

Anna She­p­e­lenko

Anna She­p­e­lenko is Chief Out­reach Offi­cer of Bore­al Light. She has over 10 years of expe­ri­ence in mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Anna is Ukrain­ian, so recov­ery of Ukraine is a very impor­tant top­ic for her. She is pas­sion­ate about sus­tain­abil­i­ty and hap­py to con­tribute to solv­ing glob­al water cri­sis as a part of Bore­al Light.

André Nikol­s­ki

André is man­ag­ing sev­er­al strate­gic projects at Hum­boldt-Inno­­va­­tion and Sci­ence & Star­tups and is a start­up coach help­ing founders in their first steps through cre­at­ing busi­ness plans and shap­ing a joint vision and strat­e­gy. He is also involved in Web3 and sev­er­al NFT star­tups to cre­ate a new way of cre­at­ing com­mu­ni­ties and to turn … Con­tin­ued

Lau­ra Kohler

Lau­ra is Direc­tor Start­up Busi­ness and a mem­ber of the exec­u­tive board at BRYCK. She brings a strong exper­tise in (impact) busi­ness mod­el­ling, cus­tomer val­i­da­tion, investor access, team build­ing and vision & mis­sion design. It is her pas­sion and her pur­pose to con­tribute to build­ing a liv­able future for the kids of our kids. Accord­ing … Con­tin­ued

Lyud­my­la Kovalenko

Lyud­my­la, CEO und co-founder of Doc­tor Kim­chi® , is a neu­ro­science and strat­e­gy con­sult­ing expert as well as a tech ven­ture builder. With her food tech start­up Doc­tor Kim­chi — Smart Micro­bio­me Man­age­ment, she works to put fer­ment­ed foods on the plates of busy Euro­peans who want to improve their nutri­tion. Aside from address­ing health-relat­ed … Con­tin­ued

Sophie Dien­berg

Sophie is the founder of inKlub — the inclu­sive start­up com­mu­ni­ty and acces­si­ble start­up incu­ba­tor for peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties and chron­ic ill­ness­es. She is pas­sion­ate about social & inclu­sive entre­pre­neur­ship. She has a strong under­stand­ing of Design Think­ing & Lean Start­up and has helped sev­er­al impact founders and teams to reach prod­uct-mar­ket-fit. Sophie wants to … Con­tin­ued

Dr. Thomas Gne­fkow

Thomas is man­ag­ing direc­tor (MD) and part­ner at safer­ay, MD and part­ner at Clean­bridge, busi­ness angel, founder and chair of the super­vi­so­ry board of sana­leo, pri­vate lec­tur­er at the uni­ver­si­ty of Magde­burg and so much more. His exper­tise is very broad, incl. amongst oth­er renewables/energy, trade, inter­na­tion­al project financ­ing, etc. He is con­vinced that cheap, … Con­tin­ued

Car­olin Kröger

Car­olin is a Dig­i­tal Busi­ness & Inno­va­tion Con­sul­tant and co-founder at beingfe​male​.de. She has wide exper­tise in user-cen­tric inno­va­tion, cor­po­rate ven­ture build­ing and team set-up. Empow­er­ing oth­ers to pur­sue inno­v­a­tive ideas and to build viable dig­i­tal busi­ness­es is what dri­ves her. Tak­ing a user-cen­tric and test-dri­ven approach is what she is pas­sion­ate about. Offer­ing her … Con­tin­ued