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Olek­san­dr Snidalov

Olek­san­dr Snidalov is a pas­sion­ate leader with a glob­al track record in infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy and tele­com indus­tries. Young exec­u­tive that have spent over 10 years in tech­nol­o­gy con­sul­tan­cy in the US, Nether­lands and Ger­many run­ning teams, pro­grams and doing man­age­ment con­sul­tan­cy for sys­tem inte­gra­tors, prod­uct ven­dors and tele­com oper­a­tors. In 2019 he returned to Ukraine … Con­tin­ued

Fabi­an Hoehne

Fabi­an is entre­pre­neur, impact investor, and founder of Vito­lus, Clever Ack­ern & Fly​la​.com. He is excit­ed to become a men­tor at PHINEO Star­tups and fuel oth­er star­tups’ mis­sions with advice and hon­est feed­back. He is thrilled to see their impact in social, envi­ron­men­tal or cli­mate chal­lenges sky­rock­et­ing

Dr. Chris­t­ian Hum­borg

Chris­t­ian has been Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of Wiki­me­dia Deutsch­land since June 2021. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he had been Deputy CEO and Finance and Oper­a­tions Direc­tor there since 2016. Pri­or to that, he helped estab­lish the non-prof­it research cen­ter CORRECTIV for two years as Exec­u­tive Direc­tor. From 2007 to 2014, he was Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the anti-cor­rup­­tion orga­ni­za­tion Trans­paren­cy … Con­tin­ued

Kiana Mar­di

“Every­thing that is not sus­tain­able will end. Doing the right thing will pay off in the long term.” With Lucy Cap­i­tal, I believe pro­found­ly in the pow­er of peo­ple and pur­pose. I will give my best to sup­port founders who want to cre­ate the future we want to live in.

Felix Krause

As a co-founder and Gen­er­al Part­ner at Vireo Ven­tures, Felix is a stead­fast sup­port­er of Euro­pean pre-seed and seed com­pa­nies striv­ing for an all-elec­tri­­fied future. He has been part of the start­up scene for more than 10 years, found­ing two com­pa­nies him­self, lead­ing the Euro­pean expan­sion of a US start­up as MD, and sup­port­ing founders … Con­tin­ued

Mina Kola­gar

Mina Kola­gar, co-Founder & co CEO of PAN­TO­health– that assist to approach envi­ron­men­tal friend­ly trans­porta­tion by increas­ing the reli­a­bil­i­ty of e‑train infra­struc­tures. She believes with inno­v­a­tive solu­tions we can shift from a lin­er and con­sum­ing econ­o­my to cir­cu­lar econ­o­my, and it is the rea­son she is a cofounder of an impact Start­up. It is clear … Con­tin­ued

Chris­t­ian Boettch­er

“Inno­va­tion with a focus on impact is the dri­ving force in my life. For me, Phi­neo is one of many suc­cess­ful organ­i­sa­tions that share this vision and I am hon­oured by their trust in me! As a coach, when I help peo­ple over­come one of the great­est cri­sis of our time, it is very reward­ing.”

Thomas Kalunge

I am an Inno­va­tion Man­ag­er and Entre­pre­neur (MSc) as well as a Cer­ti­fied Design Think­ing Expert. With a user-cen­tered approach, my work focus­es on project man­age­ment (water­fall, agile, hybrid), inno­va­tion man­age­ment, and dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion and strat­e­gy. I have curat­ed and led projects span­ning mul­ti­ple coun­tries on top­ics like migra­tion and tech, inno­va­tion for peace and … Con­tin­ued

René Wien­holtz

René Wien­holtz (born 1974) found­ed his first com­pa­ny when he was 18 and sev­er­al oth­ers there­after. After fin­ish­ing the col­lege, he went to US high-tech com­pa­nies like Sil­i­con Graph­ics & Sun Microsys­tems to learn about tech inno­va­tion man­age­ment, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, sales & man­age­ment skills. He took these expe­ri­ences to his role as the CTO at STRATO, … Con­tin­ued

Sab­ri­na Kon­zok

Sab­ri­na is a social entre­pre­neur and expert for social inno­va­tion and dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion. As Board Mem­ber of the Social Entre­pre­neur­ship Net­work Ger­many, she works on future-proof sys­tem­at­ic solu­tions and improved frame­work con­di­tions for those. She helped estab­lish the net­work, which now has over 800 mem­bers from both tech­ni­cal and non-tech­ni­­cal indus­tries. At Junge Tüftler gGmbH, … Con­tin­ued