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Bian Sukrow

Since I was in my ear­ly twen­ties (about 20 years ago…), I have been involved in ini­tia­tives that, in some way or oth­er, tried to make soci­ety a bit more inclu­sive and just. I co-found­ed and head­ed some of those ini­tia­tives and joined oth­ers as a fel­low. My expe­ri­ence with vol­un­teer work and my back­ground … Con­tin­ued

Friedrich Lin­den­berg

I’ve spent 15 years work­ing in non-prof­its, first in open data advo­ca­cy and then slow­ly mov­ing into inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ism. There, I got involved in cross-bor­der anti­cor­rup­tion inves­ti­ga­tions, which often deal with finan­cial crime, mon­ey laun­der­ing and tax eva­sion. Part of that was build­ing a “per­sons of inter­est” data­base, which Open­Sanc­tions is now derived from.

Nas­rat Khalid

Nas­rat is pas­sion­ate about includ­ing coun­tries in the Glob­al South and glob­al tal­ent in the dig­i­tal econ­o­my. Nas­rat has helped over half a mil­lion peo­ple through his plat­form with emer­gency sup­port items in the Afghanistan cri­sis. Nas­rat’s plat­form, Aseel, has also helped sell over ten thou­sand hand­made items from Afghanistan and Turkey in inter­na­tion­al mar­kets. … Con­tin­ued

Fran­cis Dos­sou Sognon

Grad­u­at­ed engi­neer, I had the first part of my career in dig­i­tal pay­ment and fin­tech indus­try. With this expe­ri­ence of more than 15 years sup­port­ing mar­ket lead­ers in their strate­gies and the devel­op­ment of their dig­i­tal solu­tions in Europe and Africa, I decid­ed to turn this exper­tise towards dig­i­tal­iza­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties on a con­ti­nent full of … Con­tin­ued

Sask­ia Howe

I have a back­ground of Span­ish philol­o­gy and busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion. For the past eight years, I have been work­ing in the field of agile trans­for­ma­tion, coach­ing, and learn­ing and devel­op­ment. Dur­ing this time, I have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with a range of cor­po­rate cul­tures, from star­tups to large cor­po­ra­tions.In the con­text of our cur­rent … Con­tin­ued

Tim Gauss

I have an aca­d­e­m­i­cal back­ground is in Entre­pre­neur­ship and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Man­age­ment. I learned about the fun­da­men­tals of cli­mate sci­ence, sus­tain­abil­i­ty man­age­ment, as well as how to build scal­ing organ­i­sa­tions. My prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence lies in Busi­ness Devel­op­ment and Sales. I built up teams and worked oper­a­tional in Busi­ness Devel­op­ment, Growth Mar­ket­ing and Sales for mul­ti­ple ear­­ly-to … Con­tin­ued

Lu Yen Roloff

I am the ini­tia­tor, cofounder and strate­gist of PLAN B 2030. A trained jour­nal­ist and cam­paign­er, I bring in expe­ri­ence in engage­ment cam­paigns, build­ing self orga­nized action net­works and orga­niz­ing meth­ods. Since 2019 I have been focus­ing on devel­op­ing solu­tions for solv­ing the cli­mate cri­sis with an activist approach. I helped build up the Ham­burg … Con­tin­ued

Julia Rob­lick

After study­ing eco­nom­ics & law in Ger­many & Fin­land and valu­able expe­ri­ence in con­sult­ing, tech start-ups and cor­po­rate inno­va­tion, I was not con­vinced by the way busi­ness was done. I looked for a more holis­tic approach to solve glob­al chal­lenges. Thus, I spe­cial­ized in social entre­pre­neur­ship and sus­tain­able finance dur­ing my master’s in Por­tu­gal and … Con­tin­ued

Mario Stein­buch

As a Berlin based entre­pre­neur who spent 10+ years in the Start­Up world I was lucky to gain expe­ri­ences trough var­i­ous ven­tures as a founder, as a men­tor in accel­er­a­tors and expan­sion pro­grams and as lec­tur­er at Uni­ver­si­ty. I love to learn and appre­ci­ate extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ences as well as find­ing the extra­or­di­nary in every day. … Con­tin­ued

Jacob Künz­er

Jacob is cur­rent­ly doing his mas­ters in soci­ol­o­gy, focus­ing on social and polit­i­cal aspects of Euro­peaniza­tion. In the past years he has gained work expe­ri­ence in the NGO world. Fur­ther­more, as a sci­en­tif­ic researcher, he worked in dif­fer­ent research projects, such as soci­ol­o­gy of social­iza­tion or inclu­sion for mar­gin­al­ized groups. He believes that impact star­tups … Con­tin­ued