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Degree in Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing Co-founder and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor ESIIS GmbH, Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Con­sul­tan­cy Pre­vi­ous pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence: • Co-founder and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor ARXUM GmbH, soft­ware com­pa­ny • Share­hold­er and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Picavi GmbH, soft­ware com­pa­ny • Chair­man of the Exec­u­tive Board (CEO/CFO) SEVEN PRINCIPLES AG, list­ed IT com­pa­ny • Ven­ture Capital/ Pri­vate Equi­ty Invest­ments (Co-founder and Direc­tor) Pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence: • CEO: strat­e­gy and suc­cess­ful growth, post-merg­er inte­gra­tion • CFO: con­sol­i­dat­ed finan­cial state­ments (HGB + Bil­MoG, IFRS), cap­i­tal mar­ket, cor­po­rate law • M&A: more than 40 M&A trans­ac­tions, sev­er­al IPOs • IT: more than 15 years of IT and soft­ware mar­ket expe­ri­ence (mobile tech­nol­o­gy, blockchain, SaaS, aug­ment­ed real­i­ty) • More than 5 years of expe­ri­ence in sales and mar­ket­ing man­age­ment • Sus­tain­abil­i­ty: strat­e­gy, CSRD, EU tax­on­o­my, dou­ble mate­ri­al­i­ty

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