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Alexan­der Fahie is a semi-good entre­pre­neur, con­sul­tant and a very-aver­age author. Fahie is how­ev­er obsessed with solv­ing prob­lems and build­ing things. After study­ing at New­cas­tle Uni­ver­si­ty, Fahie entered invest­ment man­age­ment in 2011. He was recog­nised as a ‘top 30 under 30’ in 2016. In 2018, he found­ed Eth­i­cal Angel, a com­pa­ny tasked with turn­ing the needs of char­i­ties into cor­po­rate learn­ing expe­ri­ences to ensure good caus­es had more sus­tain­able sup­port. The firm gar­nered VC invest­ment from around the world, numer­ous awards, and full B‑Corp cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. Cor­po­rate clients includ­ed Pep­si­Co, Bar­clays, SONY and many oth­ers and Eth­i­cal Angel was able to sup­port thou­sands of good caus­es around the world. In 2020, Fahie was part of the UK del­e­ga­tion for the UK Gov­ern­ment Tech4Good trade mis­sion to India. In 2023, the same year that his book, “Work­place Learn­ing: Have we got it all wrong?” was pub­lished, Fahie found­ed TAISK, a plat­form that makes using AI to com­plete tasks acces­si­ble to all. Fahie is a reg­u­lar keynote speak­er and can be reached at alex@​taisk.​com.

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