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Meet our impact com­mu­ni­ty: Dr. Bohdan Androshchuk, Co-Founder of Ukrain­ian Social Ven­ture Fund

Get to know var­i­ous per­spec­tives that all share the goal of tack­ling the world’s most press­ing crises. Dr. Bohdan Androshchuk is Co-Founder of Ukrain­ian Social Ven­ture Fund. Our ques­tions focus on the poly­cri­sis and which role impact star­tups can play. Bohdan also gives us an insight into what it’s like to be a investor of … Con­tin­ued

Elzan Godlews­ki, Asso­ciate at kopa ven­tures

Get to know var­i­ous per­spec­tives that all share the goal of tack­ling the world’s most press­ing crises. Elzan Godlews­ki is Asso­ciate at kopa ven­tures. Our ques­tions focus on the poly­cri­sis and which role impact star­tups can play. Elzan also gives us an insight into what it’s like to be a part of an kopa ven­tures … Con­tin­ued

Meet our impact com­mu­ni­ty: Fred­erik Richter, Chief Busi­ness Offi­cer at Open Sanc­tions

Get to know var­i­ous per­spec­tives that all share the goal of tack­ling the world’s most press­ing crises. Fred­erik Richter is Chief Busi­ness Offi­cer at Open Sanc­tions in our poly­cri­sis batch #3. Our ques­tions focus on the poly­cri­sis and which role impact star­tups can play. Fred­erik also gives us an insight into what it’s like to … Con­tin­ued

Meet our impact com­mu­ni­ty: Ida Huisko­nen, Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ty & Mar­ket­ing at West­er­welle Foun­da­tion

Get to know var­i­ous per­spec­tives that all share the goal of tack­ling the world’s most press­ing crises. Ida Huisko­nen is Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ty & Mar­ket­ing at West­er­welle Foun­da­tion. Our ques­tions focus on the poly­cri­sis and which role impact star­tups can play. Ida also gives us an insight into what it’s like to be part of … Con­tin­ued

Gerogiy Vay­danych, Bore­al Light

Get to know var­i­ous per­spec­tives that all share the goal of tack­ling the world’s most press­ing crises. Gerogiy Vay­danych is part of Bore­al Light in our Ukraine batch #2. Our ques­tions focus on the poly­cri­sis and which role impact star­tups can play. Georgiy also gives us an insight into what it’s like to be a … Con­tin­ued

Julia Drey­er, Men­tor of comu­neo

Get to know var­i­ous per­spec­tives that all share the goal of tack­ling the world’s most press­ing crises. Julia Drey­er is Men­tor of comu­neo in our poly­cri­sis batch #3. Our ques­tions focus on the poly­cri­sis and which role impact star­tups can play. Julia also gives us an insight into what it’s like to be a men­tor … Con­tin­ued