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Apply for Accel­er­a­tor Pro­gram

Two pro­gram launch­es per year

Our 6‑month pro­gram is launched every April and Octo­ber. Appli­ca­tions that we receive between Feb­ru­ary 1 and Sep­tem­ber 15 can start in Octo­ber. Appli­ca­tions received between Sep­tem­ber 15 and Jan­u­ary 31 and can start in April. If you would like to join our pro­gram at a lat­er date, you can indi­cate this in your appli­ca­tion.

Apply for our 6‑month pro­gram in less than 3 min­utes

Whats hap­pens
after your appli­ca­tion?

  • if your pitch deck con­vinces us, we send you a more detailed ques­tion­naire to find out more about your team, the need, your solu­tion, your plan and the poten­tial impact.
  • we invite the star­tups we think we can help best to a video call with our team.

Get inspi­ra­tion from oth­er Pitchdecks

Need a 1:1 call?

Want feed­back on your doc­u­ments before you apply? Lets make an appoint­ment for a video call as soon as pos­si­ble. Someo­ne from the PHINEO Star­tups team will give feed­back on your pitch deck. After that, you have until the end of the sub­mis­si­on peri­od to integra­te our feed­back into your appli­ca­tion.

You need to accept func­tion­al cook­ies to use the sched­ul­ing fea­ture.