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We sup­port impact star­tups with our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram

In our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram, we will guide you for 6 months to turn your idea into real­i­ty. We offer you access to fund­ing, coach­ing from expe­ri­enced men­tors, access to our net­work.

6 core ele­ments to ensure a last­ing impact



Group Train­ing

1:1 Expert Ses­sions



We imple­ment impact at the core of your busi­ness

Impact star­tups address­es one or more UN Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goal (SDGs) at the core of its busi­ness. This means: if you remove the impact you also remove the busi­ness. We have devel­oped a spe­cial impact frame­work for star­tups that our coach­es will com­plete step by step with you.

Our 100+ experts and men­tors

Here you can con­nect with experts and men­tors from our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram.

Stephanie von Behr

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Founder­land Read more

Ali­cia Com­baz

founder & ceo of MAKE​.ORG Read more

Eber­hard Ruess

For­mer glob­al Head of IT for Sup­ply Chain, Pro­cure­ment & M&A; For­mer­ly Nestlé Read more

Till Augn­er

Founder | Exec­u­tive Coach | Men­tor at Uplift Founders | Part­ners in Clime Read more

Antje Chris­tine Ven­jakob

Self-employed, Ven­ture Build­ing | Start-Up Financ­ing & Growth Read more

Davide Marchi­sio

Ven­ture Builder, Prod­uct Coach, Busi­ness Strate­gist Read more

Pieter van Mid­woud

Chief Tree Plant­i­ng Offi­cer, Ecosia Read more

Pawel Poltorak

CMO at Rag­nar­son Read more

Dash Marko­va

Empow­er­ing Impact Entre­pre­neurs with train­ing and men­tor­ship, Dash Too Much Read more

Den­nis Stahl

Ser­i­al Founder, Investor, Impact & Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Expert at OnePur­pose Net­work Read more

Wari­di Pab­st — Schrob­s­dorff

Founder & CEO of Fash­ion Africa 254, Con­trib­u­tor for Africa at Vogue Ger­many Read more

Alexan­der Fahie

Entre­pre­neur at TAISK Read more

Mark Young

Pres­i­dent at Ratio­nal Games, Inc. Read more

Ola­do­su Adenike

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, I Lead Cli­mate Action Ini­tia­tive Read more

Annelie Graf

Senior Con­sul­tant Busi­ness Strat­e­gy & Inno­va­tion, diff­fer­ent GmbH Read more

Mar­tin Quach

Cli­mate Impact Advi­sor at Ter­rafor­ma­tion Read more

Abdul Khaleq Al-Qasai­ly

Ser­i­al Entre­pre­neur, Busi­ness Glob­al Men­tor, GeoAI Con­sul­tant at QR Glob­al LT Read more

Niall Bellabar­ba

Senior Cloud Archi­tect at DWS Read more

Lau­ra Schmid­hu­ber

Head of Dig­i­tal Inno­va­tion Lab at Miele & Cie. KG Read more

Alice Hohen­lo­he

Impact Man­ag­er at Trill Impact Read more

Flo­ri­an Foder­mey­er

Con­sult­ing Part­ner at Dynamo Part­ners Read more

Lucas von Fürsten­berg

Sus­tain­able forestry, real estate, busi­ness angel at Frei­herr von Fürsten­berg’sche Ver­wal­tung Read more

Cielo Sanabria

Senior LCA Expert and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Ana­lyst at SAP Read more

Natalia Mejia Par­do

Project Asso­ciate at The Data Tank Read more

Ulrich Kat­ter­bach

Inno­va­tion Con­sul­tant and Men­tor: Bridg­ing Ideas to Sus­tain­able Suc­cess, Self Employed Read more

Olga Almqvist

Senior Man­ag­er, Soci­etal Impact Financ­ing Ini­tia­tive (Sci­Fi), ESMT Read more

Kirsten Nie­mann

Online Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er, Self employed Read more

Lars Ofter­dinger

Social Media Lead Europe, smart Europe GmbH Read more

Idan Tobias

Organ­i­sa­tion­al devel­op­ment expert, Self-Employ­eed Read more

Ale­na Hilbig

Start­up Men­tor | Oper­a­tional & Strate­gic Excel­lence | Ven­ture Cap­i­tal Read more

Torsten Mueller

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Com­merzbank Read more

Lukas Marzi

CEO at On Pur­pose and Founder at Marzi­plan Read more

David Schmidt

CPO & ser­i­al founder, Apothera Read more

Kai Mar­tin

Indus­tri­al Cli­mate Tech Investor at Shell Ven­tures Read more

Anvi­ta Mud­kani

Senior Invest­ment Man­ag­er at IBB Ven­tures Read more

Yan­nick Frank

Start­up Men­tor & Investor at Part­ners in Clime Read more

Lukas Har­lan

Pro­grame Direc­tor at Schöpflin Foun­da­tion Read more

Nadine Michalske

Co-Founder Klima.Metrix Read more

Inga Skowranek

Con­sul­tant sys­temic orga­ni­za­tion­al devel­op­ment & sus­tain­abil­i­ty man­age­ment & Agile Coach, Free­lancer and collectiv:a mem­ber Read more

Sebas­t­ian Schramm

Ven­ture Archi­tect at Enpulse Ven­tures GmbH Read more

Nan­cy Birkhölz­er

Founder, Investor, Advi­so­ry Board Mem­ber at NB Ven­tures Read more

Chris­t­ian Wal­ter

Found­ing Part­ner at SDGx Read more

Julia Drey­er

Co-Founder & Board Mem­ber at collectiv:a eG | Expert on Inno­va­tion & Agile Meth­ods Read more

Johan­na von Her­man-Kim

COO & Investor at Cat­a­lyst Impact Invest­ment Club Read more

Sébas­tien Mar­tin

Founder and Man­ag­ing Part­ner at Impact Asso­ciates Read more

Maren Lesche

Founder & CEO at Start­up Col­or Read more

Anne Schö­nauer

Project Lead at tilt Read more

Friedrich Lin­den­berg

Founder, lead engi­neer at Open­Sanc­tions Read more

Julia Rob­lick

Impact Invest­ing, bet­ter ven­tures Read more

Mario Stein­buch

Co-Founder & Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, 36 Cham­bers Stu­dio Read more

Natali­ia Fiebrig

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at WeAid, For­eign Cor­re­spon­dant at Stu­dio 1+1 Read more

Nor­man Hiob

Co-Founder & Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Plan­ty Foods & Hiob Ven­tures Read more

Tay­la Shel­drake

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Motion​Lab​.Ven​tures Read more

Erdinç Koç

Fundrais­ing Expert & Ven­ture Part­ner at Heart­felt Cap­i­tal and Head of the Medi­aT­e­ch Hub Accel­er­a­tor at the HPI Read more

Robert Hite

Direc­tor of Busi­ness Devel­op­ment, Aptar Dig­i­tal Health Read more

Matthias Oetken

CEO & Founder, Exec­u­tive coach, for­mer CFO/ CRO at N26 Read more

Jas­mine Borhan

Founder, Jas­mine Borhan Strate­gic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Read more

Asal Rus­ta­mo­va

Spon­sor­ship and Media Part­ner­ship Man­ag­er Read more

Sascha Erben

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Ohana Group Ham­burg (Fam­i­ly Office) / 105 VIERTEL Ham­burg (Social Impact Incu­ba­tor and Accel­er­a­tor) Read more

Christoph Rohde

Trans­ac­tion Man­ag­er at FASE Read more

Christa Coc­ci­ole

Body Ori­ent­ed Sys­tems Ther­a­pist and Con­sul­tant for Embod­ied Lead­er­ship, Free­lance Read more

Katrin Häuser

CEO and co-founder, The­Green­Spring Read more

Olek­san­dr Snidalov

Direc­tor of Plat­form and Ser­vices, Babbel Read more

Fabi­an Hoehne

Entre­pre­neur, Impact Investor, Founder of Vito­lus, Clever­ack­ern & Fly​la​.com Read more

Dr. Chris­t­ian Hum­borg

CEO Wiki­me­dia Deutsch­land, Founder RUMS, Board mem­ber CORRECTIV Read more

Kiana Mar­di

Found­ing Part­ner, Lucy Cap­i­tal / Com­pa­ny Build­ing, fraud0 Read more

Felix Krause

Man­ag­ing Part­ner, Vireo Ven­tures Man­age­ment Read more

Mina Kola­gar

Co-Founder & Co-CEO, PAN­TO­health Read more

Chris­t­ian Boettch­er

Entre­pre­neur in Web3 | Inde­pen­dent Plat­form Strat­e­gy Advi­sor, NUW Ven­tures Read more

Thomas Kalunge

Human-Cen­tered Inno­va­tion Strate­gist and Entre­pre­neur­ial Busi­ness Leader Read more

René Wien­holtz

Founder, LOOM Impact Read more

Sab­ri­na Kon­zok

Board Mem­ber and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at SEND e.V. and Junge Tüftler gGmbH Read more

Chris­t­ian Kroll

CEO of Ecosia Read more

Kai Malk­witz

Impact Direc­tor at Founders Insti­tute Berlin Read more

Dr. Thomas Warnke

Entre­pre­neur at Hum­boldt Inno­va­tion Read more

Mamuteane Mmut­le

Investor / Entrepreneur/ Oper­a­tions Spe­cial­ist Read more

Tobias Ahrens

Head of Start­up Hub at Com­merzbank AG Read more

Philipp Schmidt

Man­ag­ing Own­er at C4CS Europe — Cen­ter for Cor­po­rate Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Read more

Maike Strif­fler

Co-Founder & Social Enter­prise Lead at Social Inno­va­tion Acad­e­my Glob­al Read more

Igor Elbert

Prin­ci­pal at Com­mon Sen­sor Read more

André Nikol­s­ki

Strate­gic Projects at Hum­boldt-Inno­va­tion, Start­up Coach & Start­up Con­sul­tant Read more

Julia Majer

Inno­va­tion Con­sul­tant & Pro­gram Man­ag­er at SAP​.iO Read more

Lau­ra Kohler

Start­up Ecosys­tem & Cor­po­rate Inno­va­tion expert Read more

Lyud­my­la Kovalenko

CEO and Co-Founder at Doc­tor Kim­chi Read more

Sophie Dien­berg

Founder of inKlub Read more

Dr. Thomas Gne­fkow

Busi­ness angel, founder and pri­vate lec­tur­er Read more

Car­olin Kröger

Co-founder at beingfe​male​.de and con­sul­tant Read more

Nora Azza­oui

Part­ner at Kobold I Pur­pose Design & Inno­va­tion and co-founder of mimy­cri Read more

Peter Brock

Entre­pre­neur and impact investor, Fam­i­ly Office Ser­vices Read more

Con­nect, Chat and Col­lab­o­rate

You can par­tic­i­pate from any­where in the world and con­nect, chat and col­lab­o­rate with the com­mu­ni­ty.

Pitch in front of our com­mu­ni­ty

After 6 months, you will pitch in front of our entire com­mu­ni­ty at the Col­lec­tive Impact Sum­mit in Berlin.

Do you have an idea for a solu­tion?

For solu­ti­ons to long-term cri­ses with­in the 17 Sus­tainab­le Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs)? Or quick solu­ti­ons to acu­te cri­ses such as the 2015/2016 refu­gee cri­sis, the COVID-19 cri­sis, and the cur­rent war against Ukrai­ne?

It’s a match?

We sup­port star­tups in all sta­ges. Do you have an almost finis­hed pro­to­ty­pe that you can test or an exis­ting start­up that you want to bring to a new lev­el? Your team con­sists of at least two foun­ders. Non-pro­­fit as well as for-pro­­fit organiz­a­ti­ons can apply.

Apply for our next pro­gram: Poly­cri­sis #5

Our 6‑month pro­gram is launched every April and Octo­ber. Appli­ca­tions that we receive between Feb­ru­ary 1 and July 31 can start in Octo­ber. Appli­ca­tions received between August 1 and Jan­u­ary 31 and can start in April. If you would like to join our pro­gram at a lat­er date, you can indi­cate this in your appli­ca­tion.

Our cur­rent pro­gram

Poly­cri­sis #4

Dis­cov­er our impact star­tups, con­nect with their founders and meet their men­tors

Our past pro­grams

Our par­tic­i­pants

Con­nect with our cur­rent par­tic­i­pants.

Kary­na Shulgi­na

Project man­ag­er at Skin Open Source Read more

Niklas Fröjd­holm

Strat­e­gy Intern at CIN­Soil Read more

Nameer Alkhayy­at

CTO at naera Read more

Louis Schwab

CEO / Co-founder at naera Read more

Anas­tasi­ia Toryanik

Ana­lyst, Sci­en­tist at Skin Open Source Read more

Darya Dant­se­va

Founder and Biotech­nol­o­gist at Skin Open Source Read more

Fer­nan­do Matz­dorf

Direc­tor of Data at abri​mos​.info Read more

Clau­dia Ocaran­za Abas­cal

Jour­nal­ism and Trans­paren­cy Direc­tor at abri​mos​.info Read more

Gior­gi Shu­radze

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor and CEO at Cin­SOIL Read more

Eduard Martín-Bor­regón

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor at abri​mos​.info Read more

Antonel­la Suc­cur­ro

CTO at Cin­SOIL Read more

Tavseef Mairaj Shah

COO at Cin­SOIL Read more

Eden Tadesse

Founder and CEO at invic­ta Read more

Alex Youse­fi­an

Co-Founder / COO at Per­si­um Read more

Alexan­der Kahlmann

Co-Founder at I’M℗ACTING Read more

Vin­cent Momanyi

Lead Poly­mer Researcher at Rethread Africa Read more

Noreen Mwan­cha

Co-Founder at Rethread Africa Read more

Charles Oyamo

Co-Founder at Rethread Africa Read more

Abby Mbuthi

Co-founder and CPO at Treety Read more

Marie-Kristin Wysk

Founder and CEO at I’M℗ACTING Read more

Mau­rits Zev­er­ing

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor: Finance & Strat­e­gy at nex­tract ener­gy Read more

Our star­tups

These star­tups par­tic­i­pat­ed in our accel­er­a­tor pro­gram:

Skin Open Source

Darya Dant­se­va, Anas­tasi­ia Toryanik

Open-source lab grown skin to help vic­tims of burns in Ukraine.
Read more


Eden Tadesse

Empow­er­ing refugees and dis­placed peo­ple with remote work, edu­ca­tion, and men­tal health resources through an award-win­ning plat­form.
Read more


Eduard Martín-Bor­regón, Clau­dia Ocaran­za Abas­cal, Fer­nan­do Matz­dorf

Gen­er­at­ing strate­gic knowl­edge by open­ing and using data that is cru­cial for func­tion­al democ­ra­cy and account­abil­i­ty.
Read more


Alex Youse­fi­an

Tack­ling Air Pol­lu­tion in cities and ensur­ing evi­dence-backed pol­i­cy through a pow­er­ful Dig­i­tal Twin­ning Plat­form.
Read more

Rethread Africa

Noreen Mwan­cha, Charles Oyamo, Vin­cent Momanyi

Mak­ing fash­ion cir­cu­lar by invent­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of bio­ma­te­ri­als made from agri­cul­tur­al waste.
Read more


Marie-Kristin Wysk

Bring­ing togeth­er paid com­mit­ments in envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion with cor­re­spond­ing impact financ­ing and suit­able staffing.
Read more


Tavseef Mairaj Shah, Gior­gi Shu­radze, Antonel­la Suc­cur­ro

Devel­op­ing an AI-based soft­ware tool that sup­ports Agri­Food busi­ness­es inset­ting car­bon emis­sions at the farm lev­el.
Read more


Louis Schwab, Nameer Alkhayy­at

Stream­lin­ing impact report­ing and track­ing process­es of refor­esta­tion projects boost­ing investor con­fi­dence and facil­i­tat­ing faster access to cap­i­tal.
Read more


Emmanuel Oko­r­woit, Abby Mbuthi

Enhanc­ing for­est restora­tion efforts by pro­vid­ing near-real-time satel­lite imagery and data ana­lyt­ics, aim­ing to reduce tree mor­tal­i­ty rates sig­nif­i­cant­ly.
Read more

nex­tract ener­gy

Mau­rits Zev­er­ing, Daniel Benkhoff, Mari­ia Seme­nenko

Opti­miz­ing ener­gy stor­age tech­nolo­gies with AI to res­cue excess green elec­tric­i­ty from loss due to grid bot­tle­necks.
Read more


Kai Aslan

Plat­form to gen­er­ate out­reach and dona­tions in eSport tour­na­ments for NGOs.
Read more


Julia Hilde­brand, Will Franklin

Is an open­source soft­ware plat­form for peo­ple-pow­ered media or peo­ple owned media.
Read more

Open Sanc­tions

Friedrich Lin­den­berg

Makes build­ing blocks for fight­ing finan­cial crime.
Read more

World for Cli­mate

Isabel Arens

Build­ing a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty through an app. Aim is to con­nect peo­ple to take action togeth­er to achieve rapid and inclu­sive cli­mate action around the world.
Read more


Katha­ri­na von Stauf­fen­berg

Con­tribute to a good life with­in plan­e­tary bound­aries by pro­vid­ing pub­lic sec­tor with a dig­i­tal plat­form that enables them to mea­sure, man­age and com­mu­ni­cate their sus­tain­abil­i­ty efforts.
Read more


Math­ias John, Maria Pozder

We4everyone offers wind ener­gy from local wind gusts to busi­ness­es and pri­vate house­holds with a sail wind tur­bine.
Read more


Bian Sukrow

Builds a reli­able sup­port struc­ture for law clin­iques at uni­ver­si­ties in Ger­many to bring change in the legal edu­ca­tion sys­tem and change the access to the jus­tice sys­tem.
Read more

Rel­e­vant Ven­tures

Maike Strif­fler

Rel­e­vant Ven­tures pro­vides access to finance for social entre­pre­neurs in under­served mar­kets.
Read more


Anne Schö­nauer, Tilman Tromp­ke

Soft­ware that auto­mat­i­cal­ly assess­es the CO2 emis­sions and cli­mate change risk of SMEs and makes this data open source avail­able for use in cred­it deci­sions.
Read more


Jesus Bueno Alvarez, Lara Rash­dan

Wild­fire Detec­tion Plat­form, which can detect even small fires with the help of a mesh net­work of solar-pow­ered air sen­sors.
Read more


Jan Chris­t­ian Sahl

Pro­vides a lob­by for every­one with­out a lob­by They give access to pol­i­tics and deci­sion mak­ers to every inter­est group, inde­pen­dent from the finan­cial back­ground. 
Read more


Markus Johan­ning and Fabi­an Hüt­ter

Pro­tegg spe­cial­izes in repur­pos­ing eggshell and eggshell mem­brane resid­u­als from the egg pro­cess­ing indus­try into high-qual­i­ty, stan­dard­ized raw mate­ri­als.
Read more


Nas­rat Khalid

E‑commerce plat­form that empow­ers arti­sans from under­de­vel­oped nations to reach a glob­al con­sumer base and lever­ages the same tech­nol­o­gy for trans­par­ent aid pro­vi­sion, fos­ter­ing both eco­nom­ic growth and human­i­tar­i­an impact.
Read more


Fran­cis Dos­sou Sognon and Elvis Azon­si

AgroS­fer struc­ture sus­tain­able sup­ply chain in african agri­cul­ture by lever­ag­ing a pro­pri­etary dig­i­tal plat­form.
Read more


Lu Yen Roloff

We are build­ing the social, struc­tur­al and tech­ni­cal infra­struc­ture for effec­tive, decen­tral­ized imple­men­ta­tion of cli­mate pro­tec­tion mea­sures by civ­il soci­ety in order to make Berlin cli­mate-neu­tral.
Read more

Re:Life Ukraine

Genya Moore, Myrosla­va Pereval­s­ka

Plat­form that builds the bridge between Ukrain­ian & inter­na­tion­al stu­dents and alum­ni to cre­ate ideas and find solu­tions for recon­struc­tion needs
Read more

Ukrain­ian House Berlin

Bog­dan Mif­takhov, Daniel Donath

Fos­ter­ing inter­cul­tur­al dia­logue and col­lab­o­ra­tion by pro­vid­ing a space for Ukraini­ans and Ger­mans to engage and inter­act
Read more

Volyn­s­ka Gaze­ta (ViL­Ni Project)

Tetiana Poudel, Olha Danyliuk

Pro­mot­ing free speech and shar­ing sto­ries of Ukraini­ans by trans­form­ing a tra­di­tion­al news­pa­per into an inde­pen­dent dig­i­tal media plat­form
Read more

Cen­tre for Alter­na­tive Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion

Anas­tasi­ia Aizen­sh­tat, Maksym Zinchenko

Har­ness­ing the poten­tial of AI/ML to dri­ve for­ward effec­tive and long-last­ing solu­tions to glob­al con­flicts
Read more


Vik­to­ria Fialko, Natalya Ulyano­va, Tatyana Ulyano­va

Restor­ing, build­ing-up and improv­ing Ukrain­ian forests to sus­tain a healthy envi­ron­ment and accel­er­ate the net-zero future
Read more

Bore­al Light

Dr Hamed Beheshti, Ali Al-Hakim

Installing short-term (off-grid) solar-hybrid water treat­ment sys­tems to solve the prob­lem with drink­ing water in Myko­laiv
Read more


Andriy Kusyy

Devel­op­ing an ear­ly-warn­ing AI sys­tem to help orga­ni­za­tions under­stand and respond to the spread of dis­in­for­ma­tion and ill-intend­ed infor­ma­tion cam­paigns
Read more

Re:Build Ukraine — Men­tor & Pro­tegee Pro­gram

Kim Welti, Lea Jacob­sen, Petra Holthusen

Equip­ping Ukrain­ian moth­ers with tai­lored skills and guid­ance to devel­op entre­pre­neur­ial ideas and busi­ness con­cepts
Read more


Ivan Kychatyi & Niki­ta Over­chyk

UATal­ents match­es employ­ers with dis­placed Ukrain­ian tal­ent.
Read more


Alex Kuvalli­ni

Hand­stree builts an online-com­mu­ni­ty to unite phil­an­thropists and grow social projects in Ukraine with focus on long-term sup­port and fraud pro­tec­tion.
Read more

Bake for Ukraine

Maria Kalen­s­ka & Ole­na Vorozheik­i­na

Secur­ing the food sup­ply in Ukraine and rein­te­grat­ing vet­er­ans through bak­ing bread and edu­cat­ing about Ukrain­ian bread cul­ture
Read more

Myko­laiv Water Hub

Han­na Slo­bodyanyuk-Mon­tavon

Myko­layiv Water Hub builds an Incu­ba­tor for inno­v­a­tive star­tups in all water relat­ed indus­tries and a Think tank for water-relat­ed research.
Read more


Natali­ia Kovalenko, Mary­na Soro­ka, Ele­na Kor­chag­i­na, Ana Lichtwer & Natali­ia Egoro­va

GUTE­mis­sion inte­grates refugees in Ger­many and sup­ports dis­placed peo­ple from Ukraine in their arrival with an inter­cul­tur­al and inte­gra­tive approach at their CaféUkraine events.
Read more


Alex Biloshyt­sk, Valeri­ia Biloshyt­s­ka, Alexan­dr Zubchenko & Natali­ia Sere­da

One-stop-shop plat­form for migrants who needs to be inte­grat­ed into a new soci­ety!
Read more

Tysha (OneUkraine)

Han­na Kolesnichenko & Yuli­ia Kar­nas

Tysha helps women pass through hard times by orga­niz­ing psy­cho­log­i­cal sup­port groups
Read more

We Do Solar

Karoli­na Attspo­d­i­na & Qian Qin

We Do Solar brings solar pow­er to your bal­cony and makes ener­gy pro­duc­tion acces­si­ble for every­one.
Read more

Esper Bion­ics

Anna Believant­se­va & Dmytro Gaz­da

ESPER is build­ing a robot­ic hand and ecosys­tem to upgrade the pros­thet­ic indus­try
Read more


Kseni­ia Teslenko & Meri Khaz­aradze

mexb​.ai is devel­op­ing a con­ver­sa­tion­al AI chat­bot for ini­tial men­tal health sup­port and to bridge time until pro­fes­sion­al treat­ments start.
Read more

Our alum­ni

Con­nect with our for­mer par­tic­i­pants.

Juliana Zgryzek

PR at BeeChar­i­ta­ble Read more

Ben­jamin Guelk­er

Adver­tis­ing & Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Man­ag­er at welob­by Read more

Joshua Bobzin

Project & Fundrais­ing Man­ag­er at Plan B Read more

Edson Niwa­manya

Port­fo­lio Lead at Rel­e­vant Ven­tures Read more

Jan Chris­t­ian Sahl

Founder and CEO at welob­by Read more

Julia Hilde­brand

Project Lead at beabee Read more

Tilman Tromp­ke

Project Man­ag­er at tilt Read more

Anne Schö­nauer

Project Lead at tilt Read more

Jesus Bueno Alvarez

Co-Founder at Yamakoe Read more

Reshad Zazai

Back­end Devel­op­er at Aseel Read more

Isabel Arens

Founder at World for Cli­mate Read more

Kai Aslan

CEO at BeeChar­i­ta­ble Read more

Markus Johan­ning

Co-Founder and man­ag­ing direc­tor at Pro­tegg Read more

Fabi­an Hüt­ter

Co-Founder and Head of R&D at Pro­tegg Read more

Math­ias John

Founder and CEO at we4everyone Read more

Maria Pozder

Co-Founder and COO at we4everyone Read more

Silke Som­mer

Prod­uct Own­er, Mar­ket­ing & Finance at comu­neo Read more

Katha­ri­na von Stauf­fen­berg

Co-Founder at comu­neo (Busi­ness Devel­op­ment & Sales) Read more

Sharon Namu­jjuzi

Finance Lead at Rel­e­vant Ven­tures Read more

Maike Strif­fler

Fundrais­ing & Strat­e­gy Lead at Rel­e­vant Ven­tures Read more

Bian Sukrow

Head of KLEA Read more

Friedrich Lin­den­berg

Founder, lead engi­neer at Open­Sanc­tions Read more

Nas­rat Khalid

Foud­er & CEO at Aseel Read more

Fran­cis Dos­sou Sognon

Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer Read more

Sask­ia Howe

Orga­ni­za­tion­al devel­op­ment, orga­ni­za­tion­al cul­ture Read more

Tim Gauss

Fundrais­ing / Busi­ness Mod­el Devel­op­ment Read more

Lu Yen Roloff

Founder/Initiatorin Read more

Daniel Donath

Co-founder of Ukrain­ian House Berlin Read more

Alex Kovbasko

Accel­er­a­tor Devel­op­er at Myko­laiv Water Hub Read more

Yuli­ia Malet­s­ka

Prod­uct Man­ag­er, Lets­Da­ta Read more

Petra H. Holthusen

Senior Project Man­ag­er, Be an Angel e.V. Read more

Lea Jacob­sen

Project Admin­is­tra­tor, Be an Angel e.V. Read more

Bog­dan Mif­takhov

Co-founder of Ukrain­ian House Berlin Read more

Tetiana Poudel

Co-founder & Man­ag­ing direc­tor at ViL­Ni Read more

Vik­to­ria Fialko

Co-founder of Treep­ilya Read more

Andriy Kusyy

CEO & Co-founder at Lets­Da­ta Read more

Kim Welti

Co-Founder of Re:build Ukraine Read more

Genya Moore

Co-founder of Re:Life Ukraine Read more

Anas­tasi­ia Aizen­sh­tat

Founder and CEO at CACR Read more

Hamed Beheshti

Co-Founder and CEO at Bore­al Light Read more

Anna She­p­e­lenko

Chief Out­reach Offi­cer at Bore­al Light Read more

Ana Lichtwer

Co-founder at GUTE­mis­sion Read more

Ole­na Vorozheik­i­na

Founder at Bake for Ukraine Read more

Anna Believant­se­va

Esper Bion­ics Read more

Maria Kalen­s­ka

CEO at Bake for Ukraine Read more

Alex Kuvalli­ni

CEO at Hand­stree Read more

Yuli­ia Kar­nas

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at OneUkraine Read more

Han­na Kolesnichenko

Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er at OneUkraine Read more

Qian Qin

Co-founder at We do Solar Read more

Karoli­na Attspo­d­i­na

CEO at We Do Solar Read more

Niki­ta Over­chyk

Founder at UAtal­ents Read more

Alexan­dr Zubchenko

Mobile Appli­ca­tion Devel­op­er at Podiya (Vol­un­teer) Read more

Valeri­ia Biloshyt­s­ka

Lead Project Coor­di­na­tor at Podiya (Vol­un­teer) Read more

Mary­na Soro­ka

Co-founder at GUTE­mis­sion Read more

Natali­ia Kovalenko

Co-founder at GUTE­mis­sion Read more

Alex Biloshyt­s­ki

Co-Founder at Podiya Read more