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The two founders of Bore­al Light come from two coun­tries that were once at war with each oth­er. Togeth­er, they are chang­ing the world from Berlin. Ali Al-Hakim was born in Iraq and moved to Ger­many, where he com­plet­ed his engi­neer­ing train­ing. Hamed Beheshti comes from Iran and has lived in Chi­na, Malaysia, Kenya and Lebanon. They met in 2012, when Hamed Beheshti was writ­ing his doc­tor­al the­sis and Ali Al-Hakim was employed by a com­pa­ny. The idea of found­ing their own com­pa­ny matured togeth­er.

At some point, they came up with the idea of oper­at­ing water treat­ment plants with solar pow­er. They want­ed to con­struct some­thing that would also work sus­tain­ably in African vil­lages with­out a pow­er con­nec­tion — and that could also be financed there, says Al-Hakim. When the drink­ing water sup­ply in the Ukrain­ian city of Myko­laiv col­lapsed as a result of the Russ­ian war against Ukraine, the two founders realised that the tech­nol­o­gy, which had actu­al­ly been devel­oped for the Glob­al South, was also ide­al­ly suit­ed to guar­an­tee­ing the drink­ing water sup­ply in Europe dur­ing cri­sis sit­u­a­tions.

To this end, the start­up joined the PHINEO Star­tups Accel­er­a­tor and has since deliv­ered five sys­tems to the city of Myko­laiv, where they sup­ply 500,000 inhab­i­tants with clean water. Dur­ing the pro­gram we defined mile­stones, espe­cial­ly focussing on their Ukraine project, and worked on their impact strat­e­gy with the team. We placed the team of Bore­al Light at var­i­ous events for them to ampli­fy their reach, such as the Green­tech Fes­ti­val, Café Kyiv 2024 and a net­work­ing event on social inno­va­tion and social entre­pre­neur­ship in Ukraine by Ukraine Social Ven­ture Fund, GIZ and Fraun­hofer. As Hamed has found­ed Bore­al based on this research, we also invit­ed him to share his expe­ri­ence with the research-based found­ing process with oth­er researchers to spark the idea of start­ing a busi­ness in the sci­ence and research sec­tor. Right now, Bore­al Light is look­ing for 180,000€ to 350,000€ project fund­ing for new water desali­na­tion plants in Ukraine.

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Hamed Beheshti

Co-Founder and CEO at Bore­al Light Read more
