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The world is being hit by sev­er­al crises simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, which are mutu­al­ly depen­dent.

The World Eco­nom­ic Forum refers to them as the poly­cri­sis.

Our Mis­sion:
Empow­er­ing impact star­tups in
cre­at­ing col­lec­tive impact
for the poly­cri­sis.

We sup­port star­tups to become impact star­tups and cre­ate con­nec­tions with diverse stake­hold­ers, from var­i­ous indus­tries, to address the poly­cri­sis in a more holis­tic way.

It involves coor­di­nat­ed action, shared mea­sure­ment sys­tems, and con­tin­u­ous com­mu­ni­ca­tion to achieve impact­ful and sus­tain­able change.

Our Ser­vices

To sup­port promis­ing star­tups work­ing on tack­ling the poly­cri­sis and to turn them into impact cat­a­lysts, we have devel­oped two main ser­vices:

Impact Gallery

Col­lec­tive Impact Sum­mit

Twice a year, we come togeth­er to cel­e­brate the progress of our last cohort of Impact Start­up teams and wel­come the new cohort. We want to cel­e­brate our achieve­ments togeth­er and say a big thank you to each and every one of the PHINEO Star­tups com­mu­ni­ty.

In the media


Our Newslet­ter

Sub­scribe to our newslet­ter for exclu­sive updates on our impact col­lec­tives, fea­tur­ing the lat­est news, events, and inspir­ing sto­ries of change.

These part­ners have sup­port­ed us so far

Want to sup­port our mis­sion too?

We are always on the look­out for part­ners eager to help us scale our efforts and dri­ve sys­temic change. Our range of part­ner­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties is designed to fit var­i­ous com­pa­ny goals, ensur­ing a mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial col­lab­o­ra­tion.